Would you like to have your writing featured on our blog? We love helping aspiring writers build their brand and flex their creativity. For consideration, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page. You may include links to your social media profiles, as well as your own blog if applicable. We will include these in your author bio if your work is published.
Article Submission Guidelines
Please send an original article that hasn’t been published elsewhere, as we will run your draft through Grammarly to check for plagiarism. We ask that articles conform to the following Editorial Guidelines:
Word length. No less than 1,000 words, there is no upper limit. Our readers prefer detailed deep-dives that explore a specific topic thoroughly. Show us your subject matter expertise.
Properly cited. If you’re drawing from other sources, or referring to a tool/product/service, etc., please provide a list of citations to be notated and/or linked to. If you quote someone else, please enclose their words with quotation marks. This seems like common sense, but, hey, we know that is hardly common and we all make mistakes. We’re only human, after all.
You may use your own website as a source, so long as the page you’re linking to is informative and relevant to the material in your submission. However, we do review sources to ensure they adhere to the E-A-T acronym: Expertise, Authoritativeness & Trustworthiness.
Media assets. We do provide images for the articles we publish, either using royalty-free media from Pexels, or by creating original, relevant images using Midjourney. However, we will be happy to use any images you provide, so long as they are either owned by you, or properly credited to the owner(s). It certainly makes our job as editors easier if you provide images and let us know where you envisioned them flowing best with your words, but only if we can publish them with proper attribution.
Topical relevance. Our readers are here for a reason, they want to learn about the specific topics that are relevant to the theme of our platform. So, with few exceptions, we are only likely to publish content that is relevant to the following topics: web design, web development, graphic design, writing, content creation, entrepreneurship, side hustles, programming, marketing, blogging, business automation, search engine optimization. We’re not picky, as long as your submission fits loosely within this wheelhouse, we’d love to give it a home. If you have a personal story you believe will be inspirational, we want to share that story. If you find a cool new AI program that will make our lives easier, send it.
We’re not going to drastically alter your work without your prior express permission, that would just be unprofessional. Frankly, if a submission hasn’t been proofread or seems like it would need to be heavily altered, we will probably pass on publishing it. With respect to the constraints of time, we will usually send you an email letting you know how your piece can be improved. Otherwise, how can you know what you need to work on? If a piece has potential, we will offer constructive criticism and let you send a revised draft.